Advanced, GT, or Just Want More

This page contains assignments to further challenge your intellect and is designed to build a more indepth knowledge base of a variety of subjects.  These assignments are mandatory for 4th hour students, but any student that is interested is welcome to participate (if you are not in my 4th hour, all work done from this page will receive extra credit points).


Read the following articles to familarize yourself with the leading religions in North Korea, Myanmar (Burma) and China.


Read the following articles and watch the videos the familarize yourself with the human rights violations and current political unrest in North Korea, Myanmar and China.  (this is an interactive map, find the countries that you are discussing and look at the current issues)


Based on what you have learned about the leading religions of these countries, form an opinion on if those religions are leading government decisions or are they complete opposite.  In a written summary (one paragraph per country), provide your opinion and use the information from what you have learned to use as facts to support your opinion.  You must attach an extra paper listing the references that you used for your paper.  You may use the links above, any inforamtion or links from the Unit on the 5 Religions of the World or any other inforamtion that you find on your own (no Wikipedia).  DUE 12/8.  THIS IS OUT OF CLASS WORK (HOMEWORK) NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!