CAT Lesson


Use the schedule below to complete the CAT lesson for this week.  You will be required to complete warm up questions and questions throughout the presentation.  Please place all assignments on one paper to be turned in at the end of the week.


Today I am responsible for increasing my knowledge of the history of the Korean Peninsula, including the Korean War.

Warm Up question - 
1.  What do you know about the Korean War?

Lesson: Use the link below to gain some basic information on the Korean War:

Answer the following questions:

1.  On what date did the Korean War begin?

2What is the name of the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south?

3.  What is an armistice?

4.  In what year did the Korean War end?

5.  What television show was the famous representation of the Korean War?


Today I am responsible for increasing my knowledge of the history of the Korean Peninsula, including the Korean War.

Warm Up question - 
1. What was the purpose of the Korean War?

Lesson: Use the link below to gain some basic information on the Korean War:


Answer the following questions:


1.  Why did the United States enter the Korean War?

2.  Why were soldier’s in danger of intestinal diseases and other illnesses?

3.  For the United States the war began as a ________________ measure but quickly changed to an _____________ one.

4.  Who was the President of the United States during the Korean War?

5.  Who was the United States Primary military leader?


Today I am responsible for increasing my knowledge of the history of the Korean Peninsula, including the Korean War.

Warm Up Questions:

1.  How did General MacArthur view the war?

Lesson: Use the link below to gain some basic information on the Korean War:

Answer the following questions:

1.  What caused the stalled negotiations that resulted in a 2 year delay in ending the war?

2.  What was the total number of casualties of the war?

3.  What did South Korea receive out of the agreement?

4. What percentage of those who died were civilian?

5.  How do you think this settlement has continued to contribute to tensions in the region?


Today I am responsible for gaining specific knowledge of the Chosin Reservoir battle and how everyday men fought to provide the freedoms of democracy to a nation.

Warm Ups Questions:

In war, there are individual battles.  The video below is on the Battle in the Chosin Reservoir, one of the bloodiest battles in history.  The battle in sued after China joined the North Korean efforts.  Be RESPECTFUL while watching this video.  Take notes, you will need them!


Today I am responsible for gaining specific knowledge of the Chosin Reservoir battle and how everyday men fought to provide the freedoms of democracy to a nation.

Warm Up Questions:

Finish the video from yesterday.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who was the leader of the Marine Unit?

2.  Why was the battle so difficult for U.S. troops?

3.  How many troops were lost during the battle?

4.  What did Chesty Puller mean in his statement on the poster at the beginning of the video?

Once you have completed all of the work, turn your paper in to the in basket by the door.